• Wed. Jun 5th, 2024

41st Annual Sports Camp for Wheelchair Athletes Hosted by Aurora Public Schools


Jun 5, 2024

For over 40 years, Aurora Public Schools has been hosting a sports camp specifically designed for wheelchair athletes in Colorado. The camp provides students with the opportunity to engage in physical activities and build meaningful friendships. Mark Deschamp, the head counselor of the Colorado Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp, has been using a wheelchair since birth due to spina bifida. He first attended the camp 41 years ago and now serves as a mentor for the kids involved.

Deschamp and his team introduce the campers to a variety of sports that they can connect with and potentially develop a lifelong passion for. Beyond learning how to play these sports, the camp also focuses on fostering strong friendships among the participants. Many campers form lasting bonds with their peers who share similar abilities, bringing them out of their shells and creating a supportive community.

Deschamp, who is a role model for the 60-plus participants, finds joy in witnessing their confidence grow each day. He emphasizes the importance of staying active throughout life, encouraging campers to maintain their physical well-being. The camp provides a safe and inclusive space where everyone can feel empowered and supported, contributing to the overall success of the program.

Denver7 promotes community involvement and encourages youth sports teams to participate in initiatives like the Colorado Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp. By featuring stories of athletes making a positive impact, Denver7 aims to inspire others to get involved and support inclusive sporting events. For more information on how to get involved, individuals can reach out to Denver7 Sports Director Lionel Bienvenu at lionel.bienvenu@denver7.com.


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