• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

60% of Psychiatry Staff in Israel Considering Resigning from Public Service


Jun 5, 2024

Almost 60% of respondents are either considering or debating leaving their workplace in the public sector, with 27% considering leaving and 31% debating the decision. Specialists in child and youth psychiatry, psychologists, and adult psychiatrists reported particularly high percentages of considering leaving their jobs in the public sector.

The main reason for considering leaving among adult psychiatrists and child psychiatrists is dissatisfaction with the level of pay. Over 80% of adult psychiatrists and 57% of child psychiatrists are considering leaving due to the wage gap between the public and private sectors. Other leading reasons include the balance of work and leisure, workload, administrative work, and the desire to work from home.

Reasons for wanting to stay in the public system included a sense of mission, satisfaction in helping disadvantaged populations, job stability, and rights. The sense of mission was a central consideration among all respondents, including those considering leaving. Employment stability and satisfaction with helping disadvantaged populations were low among those considering leaving compared to those who are not.

Feedback from caregivers in the public service revealed a worrying picture regarding workload, working conditions, salary, physical environment, appreciation, lack of professional satisfaction, and the ability to provide quality care. The mental health system received low scores in integrating technology and innovation, with a need for improvements in accessibility of services, information access, and remote treatment.

Participants in a survey on remote mental health care indicated varying levels of effectiveness, with a need for multi-systemic change in the mental health system to address the shortage of manpower and availability of services. Strengthening the mental health system was emphasized as a national need, requiring the adoption of new approaches to reduce the shortage of caregivers and improve overall care.


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