• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

81 EU media outlets blocked by Russia


Jun 25, 2024

Reading Western media in Russia has become increasingly difficult since the invasion of Ukraine, with many outlets inaccessible due to state censorship measures. Only by using a VPN can individuals in Russia reach media outlets like the BBC. Recently, Russia has implemented retaliatory measures affecting Austrian media due to the EU’s ban on four Russian propaganda outlets. Access to 81 media outlets from the EU has been blocked in Russia, preventing audiences from receiving ORF and Austria’s oe24.at.

Among the media outlets impacted by the block in Russia are the Spanish agency EFE, the French agency AFP, and television channels like the Italian RAI, the French LC1, the Irish RTE, the Portuguese RTP International, the Dutch NOS, and Radio France. Publications like The mirror, Politico, The world, The country, and the Spanish broadcaster RTVE are also affected. The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused these outlets of spreading false information about the conflict in Ukraine.

In response to the EU’s sanctions against Russian media outlets, Russia has justified the blocking of European media as a reaction to alleged false reporting about Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The EU sanctions targeted Russian state news agency Ria Nowosti, government newspaper Rossiskaja Gazetta, Voice of Europe, and the pro-Kremlin newspaper Isvestia. Despite the restrictions, media and employees from these outlets are still allowed to work in the EU.

Russian journalists who criticize Putin’s policies often face censorship and imprisonment. Thousands of websites are also blocked in Russia, requiring users to access them through VPN servers. The trial of journalist Evan Gershkovich from the Wall Street Journal for alleged espionage is set to begin soon. The ORF and Austria media group have not commented on the recent block, following the withdrawal of ORF correspondent Maria Knips-Witting’s accreditation in Russia in June. Knips-Witting, who reported from Moscow since January 2024, has returned to Austria.


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