• Tue. May 14th, 2024

7 subjects, constant testing and no one bats an eye


Apr 16, 2024

The secondary education system in the USA is more child-centered compared to other countries. Lessons are longer, allowing students to delve deeper into the material rather than rushing through it. Projects are completed at school, focusing on independent learning for students. Prof. Kovač Vezmarović, a biology lecturer, shared her experiences from the Fulbright TEA scholarship in the USA, where she learned about new teaching methods and digital tools.

High schools in the USA offer a general program, with students deciding on their profession and university choices in their final year at the age of 18. Electiveness and a wide range of subjects are advantages, allowing students to explore their interests. Prof. Kovač Vezmarović believes that the elective system in US high schools is beneficial, as it allows students to choose subjects based on their interests and abilities.

Teaching in the USA is more project-oriented and focuses on independent work and problem-solving. Students have access to a wide range of subjects, including digital marketing, design, culinary arts, and engineering. Digitization is prevalent in teaching, with all students having laptops and using online tools for learning. Assessment methods are more thorough in the USA, with continuous evaluation and standardized tests throughout the year.

Prof. Kovač Vezmarović points out the need for more standardized tests in electronic form in Croatia to help teachers and students track their progress. She also emphasizes the importance of investing in teacher training and support to improve the quality of education. Despite the differences in education systems, she believes that both countries can learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses to enhance the educational experience for students.


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