• Sat. May 18th, 2024

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Accuses U.S. of Purposely Hurting Cuban Economy to Spur Migration


Apr 24, 2024

In a recent interview, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, Cuba’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, shared insights on high-level U.S.-Cuban migration talks that took place in Washington last week. He highlighted the impact of U.S. policies that expedite permanent residency for Cubans in the United States, which he believes plays a significant role in shaping migration patterns between the two countries. However, he also emphasized that the primary driver of migration from Cuba to the United States is the longstanding U.S. embargo on Cuba.

Fernández de Cossío pointed out that the economic conditions in Cuba compel many people to seek better opportunities elsewhere, with U.S. policies contributing to exacerbating these challenges by destabilizing the Cuban economy. He criticized U.S. deliberate efforts to undermine Cuba’s economic stability, making it increasingly difficult for its citizens to thrive.

During the interview, Fernández de Cossío also delved into other topics such as the upcoming 2024 election and the similarities between the policies of the Trump and Biden administrations concerning Cuba. He also touched upon Cuba’s stance on the U.S.-backed Israeli military actions in Gaza, recent protests within Cuba over living conditions, and various other pertinent issues.

Overall, Fernández de Cossío’s insights shed light on the complex dynamics between the United States and Cuba, highlighting the multifaceted factors that influence migration, economic stability, and political relations between the two countries.


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