• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Advocates at Ukraine Summit call for Russia to be included in future peace talks


Jun 16, 2024

More than 80 countries have united in calling for Ukraine’s nuclear facilities to be placed under complete sovereign control of Kyiv, and for the return of Ukrainians currently in Russia, including children. The 84 countries and organizations that participated in the Peace Summit for Ukraine in Switzerland emphasized the need for Russia to be included in future peace talks, while also stressing the importance of Ukraine having full control over its nuclear power plants, starting with Zaporizhzhia.

Despite the absence of several Global South countries in the final declaration, Ukraine has downplayed this issue and instead focused on celebrating the joint dialogue that took place during the summit. The participating countries and organizations have all signed a final declaration committing to involve all parties in the peace process and to uphold the principles of the United Nations Charter and International Law in seeking a lasting and just peace.

The signatories are also in agreement that Ukraine’s nuclear facilities should be completely removed from the conflict and operated safely under the complete sovereign control of Ukraine. They also emphasize the importance of ensuring free and safe commercial navigation in the Black and Azov Seas, condemning any attacks on merchant ships or civilian port infrastructure.

Several countries present at the summit, including India, Brazil, and South Africa, did not sign the final declaration, but this decision was accepted by the Ukrainian Government as part of promoting open dialogue. Despite this, Ukraine remains committed to engaging in diplomacy with all parties involved in the conflict, including Russia, on equal terms.

President Zelensky has described the summit as a success for Ukraine and its partners, with plans for a potential second summit in the future. The international community has sent a strong message in support of a just and lasting peace for Ukraine, underlining the importance of maritime security, food security, and the return of prisoners and displaced civilians.


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