• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Aerial Excitement: Watch Firefighters Battle Blaze in Makarska


Jun 29, 2024

The battle against the fire on the luxury yacht in Makarska continues, as firefighters work to extinguish the blaze. The firefighters have identified the problem with the current position of the yacht and the presence of plastic materials onboard. They are strategizing on the most effective way to put out the fire.

A reader has captured stunning footage of the fire being extinguished from the air, providing a unique perspective on the situation. The police have informed us that the yacht measures 24 meters in length and thankfully, no injuries have been reported. However, the investigation is expected to be more challenging due to a large portion of the yacht being submerged underwater.

Despite the difficulties faced by the authorities, efforts are being made to contain the fire and prevent any further damage to the luxury yacht. The response to the fire has been swift and coordinated, with emergency services working tirelessly to ensure the safety of those involved and minimize the impact of the incident.


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