• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Agility Chooses Clinch as Their Ad Serving and DCO Technology Partner


Jun 28, 2024

Clinch, the leader in dynamic ad serving and personalization and creator of Flight Control, the Omnichannel Campaign Activation Platform, has been chosen as the primary ad serving and dynamic creative optimization (DCO) partner of Agility, a precision advertising solution. Agility views Clinch as a key infrastructure partner in enhancing ad relevance to target their diverse audience personas, ultimately providing brands with more meaningful connections to precision audiences on a large scale.

With this partnership, Agility will leverage Clinch’s dynamic creative solutions to enhance engagement and deliver results for their advertisers. Charel MacIntosh, Global Head of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships at Clinch, highlighted the potential for dynamic creative campaigns to elevate the advertising efforts of Agility’s clients.

By combining Agility’s robust persona audience data, media resources, and Clinch’s Flight Control platform, highly effective campaigns will be created for Agility’s clients. This collaboration will allow for data-driven, tailored ad experiences to be delivered across various channels including display, mobile, CTV, audio, and digital out-of-home, meeting the demand for engaging and effective connections with consumers across multiple platforms.

Whitney Robins, Head of Precision Advertising Strategy at Agility, emphasized the significance of partnering with Clinch to provide clients with advanced creative decision-making tools that were previously unavailable. The combination of Agility’s precision advertising, marketing science, and performance creative with Clinch’s dynamic creative optimization capabilities will enable brands to engage consumers with greater relevance across different channels.

Those interested in learning more about Clinch’s solutions, partnerships, and data-driven creative capabilities can submit inquiries at https://clinch.co/contact/.


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