• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Agreement Between Julian Assange and US Government for Release: What Was Reached by Founder of WikiLeaks


Jun 25, 2024

Héctor Juanatey, a Spanish journalist and author of the book “The Analyst, an Accidental Spy in the Assange and Snowden Case,” believes that whoever publishes confidential information of public interest already knows the consequences they may face. He discusses the recent agreement that allowed for the release of Julian Assange, stating that while it is positive in terms of Assange gaining freedom after years of persecution and imprisonment, it is worrying that the prosecution of publishing confidential information continues. This sends a message to future whistleblowers about what they may face if they choose to reveal sensitive information.

Juanatey does not believe that the agreement sets a bad precedent, as it was necessary for Assange to finally be released. He highlights the importance of organizations like WikiLeaks in revealing information of public interest, such as the video showing the murder of Iraqi civilians by American helicopters. This type of investigative journalism is crucial for holding governments accountable and informing the public.

The journalist also discusses the potential impact of the Assange case on investigative journalism, noting that fear of persecution may discourage individuals from coming forward with sensitive information. The prolonged legal battles and imprisonment of whistleblowers like Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden may deter others from speaking out. Overall, Juanatey emphasizes the importance of transparency and the role of investigative journalism in informing the public and holding authorities accountable.


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