• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

AI brings historical Incas back to life


Jul 5, 2024

Midjourney is a highly popular artificial intelligence (AI) that has the capability to create all kinds of images with high quality and speed based on a given set of instructions. This AI can visualize various scenarios, such as what Peru would be like in 2024 if the Spanish had never arrived, or what our country would be like if the British had conquered us. Recently, El Comercio tapped into the creative powers of Midjourney to showcase its vision of the main Incas of Tahuantinsuyu, including Atahualpa, Sinchi Roca, and Pachacútec.

The result was a series of eight ultra-realistic images that depict these historical figures in various settings. Some of the details featured in the images include Inca Atahualpa standing in front of Machu Picchu, Huáscar, Sinchi Roca, and an ancient version of Pachacútec. The Andes mountains and Machu Picchu can be seen in the background of most of the images, as Midjourney quickly associates the Inca empire with these iconic elements.

For those unfamiliar with Midjourney, it is a free AI tool that can bring your visualizations to life in a matter of seconds. Users can request specific graphic styles such as renaissance paintings, cyberpunk auras, or ultra-realistic designs to tailor the output to their preferences. This intuitive AI has garnered attention for its ability to produce impressive imagery quickly and efficiently.


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