• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Akcome Technologies Expands into HJT Cell Production


Jun 27, 2024

The company is not only focusing on producing TOPCon, but also continuing funding towards heterojunction technology (HJT) cell technology. HJT has recently emerged as the less mainstream side of the n-type coin. According to Zhang, HJT offers superior performance in adverse conditions and potential cost reductions in the long term compared to TOPCon.

Zhang also discussed the company’s decision to implement a copper plating process in its HJT cell production instead of the traditional silver grid line printing process. He mentioned that the copper process leads to cost reduction and a roughly 0.5% increase in average cell conversion efficiency. The industry is becoming increasingly concerned about the use of silver in solar cell production, especially in HJT which requires a high utilization of the metal. An article on the use of precious metals in solar cell production was recently published by PV Tech Premium.

Overall, the company’s focus on HJT technology and the implementation of a copper plating process signify its commitment to innovation and cost-efficiency. By exploring alternative methods and materials, the company is positioning itself as a leader in the rapidly growing solar industry.


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