• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Analog Devices and LG Energy Solution collaborate on battery management technology, signing MOU


Jun 5, 2024

LG Energy Solution and Massachusetts-based chipmaker Analog Devices have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on battery management and fast-charging technologies. This partnership involves a two-year joint effort where Analog will supply high-performance battery management integrated circuits (BMIC) known for their advanced impedance measurement technologies. One such technology is Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), which takes measurements at different frequencies.

In the current system, a separate temperature measurement device is attached to the outside of a battery cell, with the information then managed by BMIC. However, this method does not allow for real-time measurement of the exact temperature inside an individual battery cell, leading to conservative charging temperature settings that limit charging speeds. Analog’s EIS solutions, utilizing BMIC, accurately measure impedance at controlled frequencies.

LG Energy Solution’s head of BMS R&D Center, Lee Dal-hoon, expressed excitement about the partnership with Analog, stating that it will enhance the capabilities of their battery management solution. The collaboration aims to strengthen LG Energy Solution’s technological expertise and provide added value to customers through innovative solutions.


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