• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Analysis of the Mammoth Lakes 2 Sample Continues: Sols 4229-4231


Jul 1, 2024

SAM, which stands for Sample Analysis at Mars, is a suite of three analytical instruments designed to measure the composition of gases released from drilled samples as they are baked in SAM’s ovens. These instruments include a gas chromatograph, a quadrupole mass spectrometer, and a tunable laser spectrometer, each specializing in detecting specific types of compounds such as water, methane, carbon, and organic molecules.

In the previous experiment, we used the tunable laser spectrometer and quadrupole mass spectrometer to analyze the gas compositions of the Mammoth Lakes 2 sample. For this plan, we will introduce a new sample into the SAM oven and measure the gas compositions using the gas chromatograph and quadrupole mass spectrometer.

By conducting both experiments, we aim to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the materials present in the rock sample. This approach will provide valuable insights into the composition of gases released during the baking process, helping us to further analyze and interpret the data gathered. SAM’s three analytical instruments work in tandem to provide a detailed analysis of the samples, allowing for a deeper exploration of the Martian environment.


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