• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Anthony Richardson is unable to throw on Thursday due to shoulder soreness.


Jun 6, 2024

Reporters at Colts practice on Thursday captured video of quarterback Anthony Richardson participating in team drills. Richardson, who is right-handed, was seen handing off the ball or throwing it with his left hand. This change in routine was a hot topic of conversation after the session, as Richardson is recovering from right shoulder surgery. He mentioned that he has experienced soreness at various points during the offseason, but overall, things have been going smoothly. However, the medical staff recommended that he take the day off to rest his shoulder.

Richardson acknowledged the soreness, stating, “I’ve been dealing with soreness since I started throwing. Just my shoulder. It’s hard to listen to the trainers sometimes and sit out for a day. I don’t want to sit out, but it’s part of the healthy journey.” Head coach Shane Steichen also downplayed the severity of the issue, indicating that Richardson would be able to play if there was a game scheduled this weekend.

Currently, there is no game on the horizon for the Colts, giving Richardson time to rest and recover. The hope is that the soreness will not be a significant issue by the time the team has their next contest. Richardson’s willingness to listen to the medical staff and take care of his shoulder now could pay off in the long run.


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