• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Armenian and Indian Prime Ministers engage in phone conversation


Jun 6, 2024

The Prime Ministers of Armenia and India recently had a telephone conversation in which Nikol Pashinyan congratulated Narendra Modi on the victory of the National Democratic Alliance in the parliamentary elections. Following their bilateral meeting in New York in 2019, both leaders noted the significant expansion of cooperation between their countries. They also emphasized the importance of further developing this cooperation in the future.

During the call, Modi expressed his support to Armenia in light of the recent floods in the Lori and Tavush marzes. In addition to this, the Prime Minister of Armenia had previously sent a congratulatory message to his Indian counterpart.

The conversation between the two leaders highlights the strong relationship between Armenia and India and their commitment to working together on various issues. It also demonstrates the mutual support and solidarity between the two countries during challenging times.

Overall, the telephone conversation between Pashinyan and Modi signifies the ongoing efforts to strengthen and enhance the cooperation and partnership between Armenia and India for the benefit of both nations as they move forward.


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