• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

A’s bizarrely lose game after McCann inexplicably misses home plate


Jun 27, 2024

The Athletics’ recent play on the road has been less than stellar, to say the least. In a game against the Los Angeles Angels at Angel Stadium, a bizarre play unfolded that perfectly encapsulated their struggles. Kyle McCann missed home plate after rounding third on a double by Max Schuemann, leading to a comedic series of events.

After a lengthy replay review, McCann was ultimately called out for making contact with his teammate Armando Alvarez, who was trying to help him stay on his feet. Despite Alvarez’s good intentions, the contact led to the final out of the inning. The Angels didn’t even need to make a play at home, as the A’s blundered their way out of a potential scoring opportunity.

The A’s were in desperate need of a win, having lost four consecutive games and enduring a 10-game road losing streak. The series finale looked promising for a moment, but McCann and Alvarez’s mishap resulted in another embarrassing moment for the struggling Oakland team. The youngsters will undoubtedly learn from their mistakes, but for now, the A’s woes continue.

Oakland’s season has been marred by errors and missed opportunities, with the team dropping four straight series in Anaheim alone. The A’s could have done without the detrimental dramatics on this particular day. As the team tries to get back on track, the bizarre play will likely be remembered for all the wrong reasons. McCann and Alvarez, two rookies, will surely be aiming to redeem themselves in the next game.


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