• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Average Salary in the High Technology Sector in Israel: 35,870 Shekels per Month


Jun 4, 2024

The Central Bureau of Statistics has released a report detailing wages in Israel for March 2024, including information on several industries. In March, the average monthly salary for employees was 14,079 shekels, representing a 3.2% increase compared to March 2023. When adjusted for inflation, the average salary in constant prices was 11,900 shekels, showing a 0.5% increase from the previous year.

During March 2024, there were 3.974 million wage earners in Israel, a 1.1% increase from February 2024 but a 1.7% decrease from March 2023. The report also provided insights into different fields, such as the information and communications industry, which boasted the highest average salary of 35,530 shekels per month, followed by the financial services and insurance sector at 26,053 shekels per month.

Conversely, industries with traditionally lower salaries included workers in the hotel and catering sectors earning an average of 6,382 shekels per month. Additionally, salaries for workers in arts and entertainment, management and support services, health and social welfare, agriculture, fishing, and education varied, with average monthly incomes ranging from 6,642 to 9,545 shekels per month.

A notable pattern emerged in the high technology sector, where the average salary was 35,870 shekels per month. Specific roles within high-tech, such as programming, consulting, pharmaceutical production, and research and development, reported average salaries ranging from 36,578 to 38,308 shekels per month. Other industries, such as information services, communications services, and vehicle production, had average salaries spanning 23,685 to 27,001 shekels per month.


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