• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Beach contamination addressed by the Lynn Board of Health


Jun 5, 2024

The Board of Health in Lynn discussed the contamination of the city’s bodies of water during its meeting on Tuesday. The state Board of Health announced the closure of Lynn Shore Beach due to bacterial exceedance. Additionally, the Board of Health brought attention to the unsafe conditions of Stacey’s Brook, a waterway in Lynn and Swampscott that contains bacteria from sewers and stormwater.

According to the King’s Beach website, exposure to the water in Stacey’s Brook can cause illness. The waterway is affected by connections to toilets, broken pipes, and outdated systems, leading to high bacteria counts in the outfall and nearby beach areas. Efforts are being made by the Department of Conservation and Recreation and local governments to address this issue.

Public Health Director Lisa Tobin emphasized the importance of clean beach water for city residents to care for themselves and their families. She noted that access to clean swimming water is particularly crucial in communities like Lynn where not everyone has air conditioning. Tobin acknowledged that while efforts are being made to address the issue, it is a complex problem that does not have an easy solution.

Tobin shared that a constituent asked the Board of Health to advise people against swimming in Stacey’s Brook and to inform them of the dangers involved. She explained that some people may not realize the risks associated with the water, especially since at times it may seem safe for children to wade in. Efforts are underway by the state delegation to address the contamination issue, recognizing the impact it is having on the community.

Board member Dr. Clark Van Den Berghe emphasized the importance of paying attention to beach closure signage. He urged people not to ignore warnings, as exposure to contaminated water can lead to illness. It is crucial for residents to be aware of the risks associated with swimming in contaminated bodies of water to protect their health and well-being.


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