• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Beijing Draws Red Line as China Opposes US Weapons in Taiwan


Jun 8, 2024

The Chinese government has once again expressed its strong opposition to the United States’ sale of arms to Taiwan, emphasizing that this action is a “red line” in their bilateral relations. They have urged Washington to cease arming the region with any type of weapons, stating that this move violates the one-China principle and previous agreements between the two countries.

According to a spokesperson from the Chinese Ministry of Defense, the sale of US arms to Taiwan has significantly impacted China’s sovereignty and security, posing a significant threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The Chinese government is vehemently dissatisfied with the aid provided to Taiwan by the Pentagon, emphasizing that this issue is non-negotiable and must be respected in China-US relations.

The spokesperson reiterated that supporting separatist forces in Taiwan seeking independence will not only escalate tensions in the region but also endanger Taiwan and ultimately harm the United States. They warned that crossing this red line could have serious consequences for the relationship between China and the United States, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and adherence to previous agreements.


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