• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Biden Aide Informs Top Donors that Donations Could Be Directed to Harris if Biden Drops Out


Jul 1, 2024

President Joe Biden’s campaign is working hard to gain support after his disappointing debate performance last Thursday. His top donors have been informed about the potential financial consequences if he were to end his presidential run, as reported by NBC. Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager, discussed this matter with around 40 of his top financial backers in a call on Sunday. She assured them that Biden had no plans to give up on his 2024 run but mentioned that most of the campaign funds would go to Vice President Kamala Harris, with a smaller amount designated for the Democratic National Committee.

According to NBC, similar conversations have taken place within the Biden camp, with more scheduled for the upcoming week. Biden’s campaign chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, is expected to speak with donors on Monday night. Despite the speculation, Biden has not shown any signs of stepping aside. During a speech in North Carolina, he addressed his poor performance in the debate but reaffirmed his commitment to the job and the truth. He expressed his belief that he is capable of continuing to serve in office.

Meanwhile, reports have surfaced of internal conflicts within the Democratic Party. Biden’s family is reportedly encouraging him to stay in the race while pointing fingers at his top aides for his debate performance. In Harris’ camp, there is growing discontent, with allies expressing frustrations over the prioritization of other Democratic figures as potential replacements for Biden. Despite these challenges, Biden remains focused on his reelection campaign and has not indicated any intention to withdraw from the race. Business Insider’s request for comment from Biden representatives outside normal business hours remains unanswered.


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