• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Bill Nye, known as the Science Guy, becomes a new member of Team Innova


Jun 24, 2024

Bill Nye The Science Guy has officially joined the Innova Team Wings, bringing his popular shows and books along with a large following to help disc golf reach new audiences. Innova and Bill Nye’s collaboration aims to teach and engage young, new disc golfers by combining science and the sport.

The partnership might seem unusual at first, but there is a natural connection between Innova and Bill Nye. Disc golf is like a field experiment with aspects of aerodynamics, gyroscopic motion, kinesiology, and more to explore. Innova’s Dave Dunipace is known as the mad scientist of disc golf, while Bill Nye has been involved in throwing Frisbees since childhood and playing Ultimate and disc golf since college. Their shared passion for the sport and science creates an exciting opportunity to inspire others.

To commemorate Bill Nye joining the Team, Innova has created two special discs: Halo Mako3s and Champion Condors, both featuring a Planetary Society stamp. Proceeds from the sales of these discs will support the Planetary Society, an organization dedicated to expanding public knowledge of space exploration. By purchasing these discs, fans can support education initiatives and own a piece of disc golf history.


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