• Mon. Jun 10th, 2024

Bladder reconstruction eliminates the need for urine bags in cancer patients


May 11, 2024

Bladder cancer patients may need to have their bladder removed, but they do not necessarily have to wear an external urine bag for life, thanks to a method involving the use of the small intestine to reconstruct the bladder. Dr. Cao Vinh Duy from the Department of Urology at Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City explained that bladder cancer can be cured in the early stages with endoscopic ablation and local chemotherapy. However, if detected late, the entire bladder may need to be removed.

Typically, urine is produced in the kidneys, travels through the ureters to the bladder for storage, and is then excreted through the urethra. In the absence of a bladder, patients require another method for diverting urine. Orthotopic cystoplasty is a technique that involves shaping a piece of the small intestine into a natural bladder shape and connecting it to the urethra and ureters to allow for natural urination.

The surgery, which can last 6-8 hours, involves the removal of the bladder and reconstruction using a piece of the small intestine. Patients need to meet certain criteria for this technique, including the absence of tumor invasion in specific areas and a healthy digestive system. The recovery process involves adjusting to urinating from the abdomen every 3-4 hours and gradually expanding the small intestine bladder’s capacity.

Early detection of bladder cancer is crucial, as indicated by symptoms like hematuria (blood in urine). Dr. Duy advises regular health checks to catch diseases early and seek immediate medical attention if blood is detected in the urine. Lifestyle choices like avoiding smoking, toxic chemicals, and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can also help prevent bladder cancer.

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