Categories: Health

Bringing attention to men’s mental health this Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a day to celebrate and thank the important father-figures in our lives. According to mental health professional Dr. Tim Sannes, one way to show appreciation is by checking in with dad and asking how he’s doing. However, there is still work to be done in raising awareness and reducing stigma around men’s mental health.

Dr. Sannes explains that men often struggle to be open about their feelings compared to women. Instead of expressing emotions, men may show signs of depression or anxiety through irritability or anger. Despite the fact that one in five Americans will experience a mental health condition, less than half receive treatment, with even fewer men seeking help.

The consequences of men not addressing their mental health can be severe, with men being four times more likely to take their own lives compared to women. In addition, men are at a higher risk for substance use and alcoholism. Dr. Sannes emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help or relying on a support network to address these challenges, as bottling up emotions can lead to negative outcomes.

While there is progress towards greater openness in society regarding mental health, research still shows that men are less likely to seek professional help. Dr. Sannes encourages men to be open and honest about their mental well-being, whether it means talking to a professional like himself or reaching out to their support network. Starting the conversation and seeking help are important steps towards improving men’s mental health overall.

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