• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Business owners near Migrant Resource Center observe significant decrease in migrant presence


Jun 7, 2024

Outside the Migrant Resource Center in San Antonio, the once crowded parking lot now sits empty. Just a few months ago, hundreds of migrants would gather here, but now, there is hardly anyone coming in at all according to Lori Haney, who works nearby. Since the center opened in 2021, Haney has spoken with many migrants who would ask for money or food. However, in the last two weeks, she has noticed a significant decrease in people approaching her.

Several business owners in the area have also noticed fewer people around. The city’s migrant dashboard shows that the number of migrants passing through San Antonio has decreased significantly since the beginning of 2024. This drop coincided with President Biden’s executive order restricting the number of migrants seeking asylum at the border. Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Sheriff Javier Salazar were at the White House supporting this order, while Republicans criticized the delay in taking action.

Despite the decrease in migrants coming through, the Migrant Resource Center is expected to remain open through September 2026 with federal funding. Haney has seen firsthand the struggles that migrants face when arriving in a new place without personal essentials or money. She hopes that they receive the help they need to adapt to their new surroundings.

As the situation continues to evolve, it is clear that the impact of changing policies at the border is being felt by both migrants and the businesses and individuals who interact with them in the San Antonio area.


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