• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Business Strategies Can Be Categorized into 4 Main Groups


May 23, 2024

When it comes to strategy frameworks, they serve the purpose of helping individuals determine the attractiveness of an opportunity or the potential success of a strategy. However, these frameworks often fall short when it comes to actually identifying opportunities or developing strategies from the ground up. This article aims to address this gap by introducing a new framework, based on an in-depth analysis of creativity literature, that provides a structured approach to identifying potential strategies.

The framework outlined in this article categorizes strategies into four groups based on their level of creativity. The least creative strategies involve adapting existing industry strategies, while slightly more creative strategies involve combining different existing industry strategies. Importing strategies from other industries represents a more creative approach, while the most creative strategy involves creating a completely new strategy from scratch.

By categorizing strategies in this way, individuals can have a clearer understanding of the level of creativity required for each approach. This framework can guide individuals in identifying opportunities and crafting strategies that align with their goals and objectives. By utilizing a systematic approach to strategy development, individuals can increase their chances of success in the ever-changing business landscape.


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