• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Can eating jackfruit trigger hot flashes?


Jun 28, 2024

There is no concept of hot or cold fruit. For example, jackfruit segments do not have a high temperature, thus when eaten there is no burning sensation. However, because jackfruit contains a lot of sugar, when consumed it quickly enters the bloodstream and is metabolized, causing a sensation of heat in the person eating it. Especially in hot summer weather, consuming sweet foods can lead to increased blood sugar levels, which may not be beneficial for health. It is advised to moderate the consumption of jackfruit to prevent any negative effects on health.

Jackfruit is a familiar fruit in the summer, rich in nutrients like zinc, calcium, and iron. While most parts of the jackfruit are edible, the thorny shell should be avoided. It is recommended to consume 4-5 jackfruit segments per day, equivalent to 80-100g to maintain a balanced diet. The World Health Organization suggests adding 200-300g of ripe fruit daily, so it is beneficial to include a variety of fruits in your diet along with jackfruit.

It is advisable to consume jackfruit 1-2 hours after a main meal, and avoid eating it when overly hungry or full. Consuming jackfruit late at night can cause bloating and affect digestion. Individuals with blood sugar disorders, diabetes, fatty liver, overweight, or obesity should limit their intake of jackfruit to prevent any adverse health effects. Remembering these tips can help in enjoying the benefits of jackfruit without any negative impact on health.


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