• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Can you solve the tasks for the Admissions conducted by eight Zagreb high schools?


Jul 1, 2024

Applications for high school programs for students starting their first year of high school under the regular program will open on Friday, June 28. The application period will run until July 8, or July 1 for programs that require additional checks. Final enrollment lists will be published on July 10. In Croatia this summer, about 41,000 students are enrolled in high school with 48,135 available places. Students can choose between seven high school programs in approximately 300 schools, with additional professional and vocational programs offered in about 750 schools.

All students applying for high school must register in the upisi.hr system, where points are automatically calculated for them based on various criteria. Students can choose up to six programs, and will automatically be enrolled in the program that is highest on their list and for which they have met the necessary conditions. It is crucial to prioritize the school you want to enroll in to maximize your chances.

In order to apply to most high schools in Croatia, students need to meet minimum point thresholds, typically ranging from 60 to 70 points. Some high schools do not have point thresholds, but do have tuition fees. In Zagreb, some high schools are highly competitive with point thresholds ranging from 68 to 77 points. Additional points can be earned through various competitions and achievements.

Entrance exams may be required for certain high schools, with subjects varying from year to year. During the entrance exam period, students will take exams at the schools where they have applied. Unique entrance exams for the same subject will be administered to simplify the process for students who have applied to multiple schools. Entrance exam scores contribute to overall point totals and can help students secure a place in their desired high school.

Zagreb is known for having competitive high schools with high point thresholds and entrance exams, while high schools in other cities may have lower or no point thresholds. Students should follow all dates and deadlines closely to ensure they meet all requirements for enrollment. If there are any questions or uncertainties, students can seek guidance from their primary school teachers or enrollment coordinators.


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