• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Canada to evacuate over 20,000 people from Lebanon


Jun 28, 2024

Canada’s military chief of staff has confirmed that the country is making plans to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon and is calling on allies to coordinate. General Wayne Eyre, Chief of Staff of the Canadian Army, disclosed this information in an interview with CBC News on June 27. The evacuation plans are being put in place in case of a total war erupting between Israel and Hezbollah forces. The number of Canadians expected to be evacuated could be around 20,000, based on figures from a similar operation that took place in 2006.

In the past, the Canadian military worked with allies to evacuate about 15,000 people from Lebanon, most of whom were Canadian citizens. According to the Canadian government’s website, there are between 40,000-75,000 Canadian citizens living in Lebanon. To prepare for the potential evacuation, Canada has sent military advisors to Lebanon and a working group to Cyprus to handle logistics and aircraft maintenance.

The evacuation plan will primarily involve transporting citizens by sea, as was done in 2006. The Canadian military plans to use boats and ferries to bring people from Lebanon to Cyprus, where they can catch flights back home. Similarly, the US is also preparing for potential evacuations, with the Pentagon deploying naval assets near Lebanon and maintaining two military ships in the area.

Tensions on Israel’s northern border have increased recently, with both sides issuing threats of war. While Israel has expressed its military capabilities, it has also emphasized its preference for diplomatic solutions. The US government is closely monitoring the situation and adjusting its forces and protection procedures in response to potential threats. Evacuation plans for citizens are being considered, with both Canada and the US working with allies to ensure the safety of their citizens in the region.


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