• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Candidates endorsed by Trump experience uncommon defeats in primary elections


Jun 27, 2024

An endorsement from Donald Trump is often seen as a ticket to success for congressional candidates. But this past week’s primary elections saw some rare losses for Trump’s preferred candidates. In Utah, Republican Rep. John Curtis, who has criticized Trump in the past, defeated Trump’s favored candidate Trent Staggs to win Mitt Romney’s vacant Senate seat. Staggs lost by a wide margin of 20 points according to projections from the Associated Press published by The New York Times.

Similarly, in South Carolina, ultra-conservative pastor Mark Burns, endorsed by Trump on Truth Social in April, lost his House runoff race to Republican Sherri Biggs. In Colorado, House candidate and state GOP Chair Dave Williams, endorsed by Trump on Truth Social in March, lost by 30 points to conservative commentator Jeff Crank.

These three losses mark only the second, third, and fourth time a candidate backed by Trump has lost in this election cycle, according to Politico. The first loss occurred in June when Trump-endorsed New Jersey Senate candidate Christine Serrano Glassner was defeated by real estate developer Curtis Bashaw by a margin of 7 points.

The outcome of two other races remains up in the air which may add to Trump’s list of failed endorsements. The race for Utah’s second congressional district is still undecided with Trump-endorsed incumbent Rep. Celeste Maloy holding a slim 3-point lead. Meanwhile, Virginia’s Republican primary is also too close to call with Trump’s pick John McGuire narrowly ahead of his opponent by less than one point. This race may ultimately be decided by a recount according to MSNBC.


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