• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Cardiologists Sound the Alarm on Gender Gap in Heart Health: Women at Higher Risk of Heart Disease


Jun 25, 2024

Cheryl Stokes, a mother who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure just four days after giving birth to her son, credits a quick call to the doctor for saving her life nearly 20 years ago. Initially attributing her difficulty breathing to being out of shape due to her recent pregnancy, it was a family member who urged her to seek immediate medical help. Stokes is grateful for that push, as it led to her diagnosis and treatment.

Today, Stokes serves as an example of the importance of timely medical attention when it comes to heart health, especially for women. According to cardiologists at UNC REX, heart disease remains the number one killer for both men and women, with women being at higher risk. Unfortunately, women are more likely than men to die from a heart attack, often due to delays in seeking medical help and receiving appropriate care.

Dr. Christopher Kelly, a cardiologist at UNC REX and president of the Triangle American Heart Association, emphasizes the importance of recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack in women, which can manifest differently than in men. Signs such as shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, and dizziness should not be ignored.

As the Triangle American Heart Association celebrates its 100th year of raising awareness about cardiovascular disease, initiatives like the ‘Go Red for Women’ movement aim to educate women about heart health and encourage lifestyle changes. Regular doctor visits, managing high blood pressure, staying active, and eating a nutritious diet are essential in preventing heart disease.

Women like Cheryl Stokes play a vital role in spreading awareness about heart health and advocating for early intervention. By wearing red and promoting healthy habits year-round, they help ensure that more women prioritize their cardiovascular well-being. Stokes, in particular, finds meaning in staying healthy for her family and serving as an inspiration to others in the community.


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