• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Carroll Community College to Construct Technology & Trades Center


Jun 28, 2024

Carroll Community College has received a substantial $2.8 million private grant to construct a new facility geared towards industrial training in fields such as automotive technology, manufacturing, plumbing, and entrepreneurship. Named the Ratcliffe Applied Technology and Trades Center after The Philip E. & Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation, the grant represents a significant investment in the college’s educational offerings.

The creation of the center is being hailed as a major milestone for both the college and the wider community. With a focus on state-of-the-art training in various trades including welding, auto technology, HVAC, plumbing, carpentry, animal grooming, and entrepreneurship, the facility will serve as a hub for innovation and collaboration. By fostering partnerships between the college, industry leaders, and the community, the center aims to provide students with the skills and experience needed to succeed in today’s workforce.

Carlene Cassidy, CEO of the Ratcliffe Foundation, commended Carroll Community College for its dedication to workforce training and entrepreneurship. The foundation’s generous grant will enable the college to expand its educational offerings and provide students with hands-on training in high-demand fields. This new facility represents a significant investment in the future of both the college and the local community.


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