• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Catawiki decides to move beyond auctions in the world of E-commerce


Jun 27, 2024

Catawiki is expanding its reach by offering a new way for customers to purchase items on its auction site. The platform, which has sold over 2.5 million special items since its inception in 2008, has traditionally catered to collectors of various vintage and rare items. However, it now aims to attract a wider audience, particularly in countries like France where it has a large customer base.

Previously, customers on Catawiki would participate in auctions for items they were interested in, but some would not follow through with the bidding process and end up missing out on the item they wanted. To address this issue, Catawiki has introduced a new “Buy now” option that allows sellers to set a price at which their item can be purchased before the end of the auction. This option provides customers the opportunity to buy an item with just one click, without having to bid in an auction.

The “Buy now” feature has been quietly available on the site for a year and a half, but is now being more widely promoted. Over 10,000 items have been sold through this feature, reducing the average sales time from 7 days to 3.5 days. This instant purchase option has proven to be popular, with items like a miniature Mercedes-Benz 300 SL coupe car selling in just seconds.

Overall, Catawiki’s decision to introduce the “Buy now” option reflects their commitment to improving the customer experience on their platform and making it easier for customers to purchase the items they desire.


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