• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

CBS NEWS poll: Majority believe Biden lacks cognitive abilities


Jun 30, 2024

Following the televised confrontation between the two contenders for the presidency of the United States, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, at the end of the past week, in which incumbent President Biden suffered a severe handicap, a survey published today (Sunday) on the CBS news network bodes ill for his candidacy. Three out of four respondents think that Biden should not have run in the first place. This is a significant increase in this position compared to February.

The survey also shows that 72% think that Biden lacks the cognitive skills necessary to serve as president for the second time, compared to 49% of respondents who think the same way about his opponent, former President Donald Trump. Of the respondents who identify as Democrats, there is a 10% decrease in those who believe that Biden should run for president now compared to last February – in February, 64% of respondents believed that he should run, while now, only 54% think so.

The reasons for the growing lack of confidence in Biden were defined by the CBS network as “tragic” – of the respondents who think that Biden should not run now, 86% believe that he should not run because of his age, 71% are afraid of the decisions he may make, 66% are disappointed with his performance as the current president, and 59% do not believe in his ability to mount an effective campaign.

Despite the gap in credibility reputations between the candidates, it seems that the American public generally thinks that both are not telling the truth. When asked which of the contestants told the truth in the televised debate held over the weekend, only 40% of respondents said they believed Joe Biden was telling the truth and 32% said they thought Trump told the truth. 45% of respondents believe that the Trump administration will benefit them financially, while only 19% believe the same about the Biden administration.

In relation to the question of what should happen from here, despite the alarming data for Biden, it seems that most Democratic voters still believe that he should run for president: 55% answered that he should continue the campaign, while 45% answered that he should vacate his seat. The NBC network reported tonight that Biden will hold a discussion today with his family members on the question of whether to retire, even though at the end of the week he stated that he has no intention of doing so. As you remember, Biden appeared on Friday night at an election rally in North Carolina and for the first time addressed the discrimination he suffered after his weak performance in the confrontation with the candidate opposite him, former President Donald Trump.


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