• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

CEO of Anthropic States Universal Basic Income is Insufficient to Address Inequality


Jun 24, 2024

Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei believes that universal basic income may not be enough to address the potential concentration of power and wealth due to rapid advances in AI technology. He suggests that a broader economic reorganization may be necessary to ensure everyone can contribute meaningfully to society. Amodei, along with his sister and five other former OpenAI colleagues, founded Anthropic in 2021 with the goal of aligning AI advancements with human values.

While many in the tech industry support the concept of universal basic income as a safety net for those whose jobs may be threatened by AI, Amodei believes that the impact of AI on society may require a more comprehensive solution. He acknowledges the need for human society to rethink how the economy is organized and how individuals define their lives in the face of technological advancements. Amodei emphasizes the importance of involving humanity as a whole in these conversations to find the best solutions.

Amodei’s perspective goes beyond universal basic income, with him suggesting that a more profound transformation in how society functions may be necessary. He is joined by other tech industry leaders like OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who has proposed the concept of a “universal basic compute.” This idea suggests that in a future dominated by advanced language models, owning a share of one may hold more value than traditional currency. These discussions among tech leaders reflect the need for innovative solutions to address the potential societal changes brought about by AI.


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