• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Challenges in mental health experienced by farmers within the community


Jun 25, 2024

Farming is a crucial occupation that ensures fresh produce reaches our tables, but it also comes with immense pressures that are often overlooked. According to the American Farm Bureau, farmers are 2.5 times more likely to die by suicide than the national average. Kevin Ardoin, owner of Cafe 20.3 and Zydeco Farms, spoke with KATC about the challenges farmers face. He cultivates homegrown vegetables year-round to supply his kitchen but acknowledges the challenges farmers in Acadiana have been facing, especially after last year’s drought and high temperatures.

Ardoin, now in his sixth farming season, grows tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and okra. The demands of farming—long hours, financial strain, and lack of downtime—make it hard for farmers to prioritize their mental health. The Louisiana Farm Bureau has recognized these challenges and developed resources to support farmers across the state. With the slogan “A healthy farm or ranch is nothing without a healthy you”, the organization aims to provide the necessary support and assistance for farmers.

Ardoin highlights the loneliness that comes with farming, especially in urban areas like Lafayette, where farmers may lack a support system. The constant busyness and long hours make it difficult for farmers to find time to talk and vent about their struggles. Resources like the American Farm Bureau’s Farm State of Mind program offer crucial support for farmers in need of mental health assistance.

These initiatives are essential in addressing the mental health crisis within farming communities and advocating for the well-being of those who work tirelessly to sustain our food supply. In a profession where so much is out of their control, it is vital that farmers have access to resources and support to help them navigate the many challenges they face.


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