• Thu. Jun 6th, 2024

Climate Science and Policy Center at Wilkes


Jun 6, 2024

To better address the challenges posed by climate change, it is essential to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach. This approach encompasses not only scientific research on climate change, but also the development of policies, educational initiatives, and innovative solutions. The Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy at the University of Utah is at the forefront of this multi-disciplinary approach.

By harnessing the resources and expertise available at the University of Utah, the Wilkes Center is able to bring together a diverse group of individuals, including scientists, policy makers, educators, and other stakeholders. This collaborative effort is focused on conducting practical, integrative research that can lead to meaningful climate innovations and real-world change.

John Lin, the Associate Director of the Wilkes Center, is a key figure in advancing the center’s mission. He is actively involved in leading initiatives such as the Climate Solutions Launch Prize, which aims to incentivize and support innovative solutions to climate change. Through these initiatives and collaborations, the Wilkes Center is working towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient future.


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