• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

CNN Reports Egyptian Spy Sabotaged Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire in Secret


May 22, 2024

CNN reports that an Egyptian spy sabotaged a potential cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas earlier this month by altering its terms secretly before presenting it to the warring parties. The intelligence official, Ahmed Abdel Khalek, reportedly made changes to the deal after Israel had already agreed to it, adding more of Hamas’ demands to ensure their approval. Abdel Khalek is said to work for Abbas Kamel, the head of Egypt’s general intelligence service.

One of the major issues in the deal was a demand for “sustainable calm” to be achieved in the second phase. Israel’s position is against discussing an end to the conflict until Hamas is defeated, and all hostages are liberated. If the deal had been approved, it could have led to the release of some Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, as well as a temporary halt to hostilities. US officials had advocated for a temporary cease-fire, hoping it would pave the way for a longer-lasting peace.

Officials from Qatar, the US, and Israel involved in the talks were reportedly taken aback and infuriated by the spy’s covert alterations. Hamas had announced its agreement to the deal on May 6, negotiated with the help of Qatar and Egypt. However, an Israeli official had called it a “ploy” designed to paint Israel as the party refusing a deal. The collapse of the cease-fire also upsets a priority for US President Joe Biden, who is facing criticism from left-wing voters for his perceived support of Israeli military actions in Gaza.

The scuttled cease-fire deal has thrown a wrench into ongoing efforts to resolve the conflict. Despite the setback, mediators are still hoping to find a path towards peace in the region. The incident highlights the complexity of negotiations in the Middle East and the delicate balance required to achieve lasting solutions. The aftermath of the botched deal underscores the challenges facing peace efforts in the region.


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