• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Colorado Sun Talks About Mental Health, Enhancing Life, and Care


Jun 27, 2024

Colorado Sun Equity Reporter Tatiana Flowers recently held a discussion with a panel of experts to address the issue of mental illness falling through the cracks. The panel consisted of Sandra Sharp, Vice President of National Alliance on Mental Illness Denver; Frank Cornelia, Deputy Executive Director of Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council; Deborah Harrell, a Holistic Healing Practitioner; Vincent Atchity, President & CEO of Mental Health Colorado; and Chief Judge Susan Blanco of the 8th Judicial District of Colorado.

During the discussion, the panelists shared their insights on the challenges surrounding mental illness and proposed solutions to address the issues. Sandra Sharp from the National Alliance on Mental Illness Denver provided her expertise on the topic, while Frank Cornelia discussed the importance of mental healthcare in Colorado. Deborah Harrell, a Holistic Healing Practitioner, shared her perspective on mental illness, and Vincent Atchity, President & CEO of Mental Health Colorado, provided insights on the state’s mental health landscape. Chief Judge Susan Blanco also offered valuable insights from a judicial perspective.

Overall, the panel discussion highlighted the complexity of mental illness and the importance of addressing the issues in a comprehensive and collaborative manner. The experts shared their knowledge and experiences to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals with mental illness and proposed ways to improve the mental health system in Colorado.


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