• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Conclusion of Anti-Terrorist Operation in Dagestan, Russia: 19 Dead in Attacks


Jun 24, 2024

Russia announced on Monday the end of anti-terrorist operations in Dagestan following attacks in the capital, Makhachkala, and the coastal city of Derbent. Armed men targeted Orthodox churches and a synagogue, resulting in at least 19 fatalities, including four civilians. The regional leader, Sergei Melikov, confirmed that over 15 police officers were victims of the attacks, emphasizing their sacrifice to protect civilians. Several civilians were also reported dead, including an Orthodox Church priest in Derbent.

Dagestan, a Muslim-majority region bordering Chechnya, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, has been the frequent site of anti-terrorist operations by Russian authorities. The attacks on Sunday targeted several religious institutions and a police checkpoint, leading to an investigation for terrorist acts. The Russian Investigative Committee reported that two synagogues were set on fire during the assaults. The anti-terrorist operation in the region officially concluded Monday morning after neutralizing threats to citizen safety.

Sergei Melikov declared that six assailants were eliminated during the operation, attributing the attacks to external sources. The motivation and identity of the attackers remain unidentified, but Melikov suggested a link to the conflict in Ukraine. The Russian Orthodox Church condemned the attacks, revealing an attempt to disrupt inter-religious peace in Russia. Three days of mourning were declared in Dagestan following the tragic events.

These acts of terrorism in Dagestan coincide with past attacks claimed by the Islamic State in Russia. The assaults are reminiscent of the threat of Islamist terrorism in the country, as seen in previous incidents. The recent events are seen as attempts to instill fear and hatred within Russian society, highlighting the importance of unity and peace in the face of such tragedies.


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