• Sun. Jun 9th, 2024

Construction of World’s Largest Power Plant Begins in Fourth Poorest Nation


Jun 9, 2024

The largest hydropower project in the world is being planned for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Kinshasa. Recent news from the Financial Times suggests that the project may be more likely to move forward now than it was a couple of years ago. The World Bank, which withdrew its funding in 2016 due to disagreements with the Congolese government, is now optimistic about the project and is working to restart it.

If completed, the power plant on the Congo River would have a nominal output of at least 40 gigawatts, with some estimates suggesting it could reach up to 70 GW. The price tag for the project is estimated at around $80 billion. The specifics of the project, such as the total drop height of the dams to be built, are still uncertain.

The Inga dam project has faced criticisms and setbacks over the years. Some have called it the “Holy Grail” of the electricity industry, while others have labeled it a fantasy. Despite the challenges, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has continued to push forward with the project, seeking partnerships with various international companies. The completion of Inga 3, a smaller power plant on the site, is expected by 2032 at the earliest.

The potential impact of the Inga dam project is significant for the region. If fully implemented, it could generate enough electricity to cover a substantial portion of Africa’s power needs. Currently, access to electricity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is limited, with just 21% of the population having access. The completion of the Inga dam would greatly increase the country’s electricity capacity and provide a boost to the region’s economy.

Overall, the Inga dam project represents a major opportunity for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the African continent as a whole. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of the project are substantial, and efforts are underway to move it forward.


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