• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Cooperation in Europe needs to be enhanced


Jun 10, 2024

The EU elections have concluded, and Finland has elected 15 representatives to the European Parliament. The newly elected politicians from Finland are expected to travel to Brussels promptly as political groups are set to convene this week. Finnish parties are affiliated with political groups within the European Parliament, with most of these alignments being relatively stable. However, changes can occur, particularly within the far right and extreme right factions.

For example, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is a member of the Fidesz party, is expected to join the ECR group where the True Finns party also sits. Earlier, Fidesz was part of the EPP group alongside the coalition for an extended period. Over the next few weeks, the Parliament will assign responsibilities such as chair and vice-chair positions, as well as committee roles. Preparations will also be made for distributing key EU positions, including the President of the Commission, High Representative, and President of the European Council.

With the formation of a potentially influential far-right group, the ECR, the balance of power within the Parliament may shift, impacting the allocation of top roles. Ursula von der Leyen, the current President of the Commission, is a leading contender for reelection, but her candidacy is not assured. The distribution of positions is a crucial process that will shape the course of EU policies and decision-making for the next five years. The EU faces significant challenges ahead, and close cooperation among member states and politicians will be essential in determining the future of Europe.


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