• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Couple Stumbles Upon $100K in Cash while ‘Magnet Fishing’ in NYC, Given Permission to Keep It


Jun 4, 2024

A couple in Queens, New York while magnet fishing discovered a sunken safe that contained bundles of cash, totaling around $100,000. The couple reported their find to the New York Police Department and were surprised to learn that they could keep the money. The source of the safe in the lake remains unknown.

Magnet fishing, an activity that uses high-powered magnets to retrieve items from underwater, led the couple to their valuable find in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. The couple, who took up magnet fishing as a hobby during COVID-19 lockdowns, likened it to “poor man’s treasure hunting.” However, they were thrilled when they found the safe with bundles of cash.

In the past, the couple has found various items while magnet fishing, including a World War II grenade, a motorcycle, old guns, and a purse with foreign currency and jewelry. This discovery of a safe filled with hundred-dollar bills left the couple stunned, with one of them initially thinking it was a joke.

Despite some of the bills being almost entirely destroyed by the water, the couple decided to report their find to the police to address any potential legal concerns. To their surprise, they were allowed to keep the money. The NYPD did not provide any immediate comments about the discovery.

Magnet fishing equipment varies in cost, with kits starting at around $15 on Amazon and specialist kits costing hundreds of dollars. The lucky find by the couple in Queens highlights the exciting and unpredictable nature of this hobby.


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