• Sat. May 18th, 2024

Decoding the body language of Iran’s leader


Apr 25, 2024

The tactic: always look in control. Beshen states that Khomeini can transmit power and firmness, even if he doesn’t believe it himself. When he speaks, he stands in full view of the people, not hiding behind a curtain, showing that he is transparent with his followers. Sitting while speaking also adds to the sense of stability that Khamenei wants to portray.

Even his body movements remain stable, with little to no motion except for his left hand, which he raises firmly. This control over his emotions helps him sell any story he wants to his people, such as the success of a drone attack. Beshen also notes that Khamenei always holds a note when speaking, perhaps indicating a sense of insecurity that contradicts his confident persona. His use of his left hand also stems from a physical limitation due to an injury from an assassination attempt years ago.

Beshen believes that Khamenei is not a psychopath, as he shows a range of emotions in his face while talking about difficult subjects. However, she points out that sometimes he adds a slight smile to his firm movements, which can be seen as a sign of madness when paired with anger. This combination of emotions and body language can be intimidating for both his audience and those watching him, such as the Israeli audience.

Overall, Khamenei’s control over his emotions, body language, and speech allows him to convey power and firmness, even if the credibility of his words is questionable. His calculated tactics and demeanor help him maintain a sense of stability and control over his audience, showing a carefully crafted image to the world.


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