• Tue. May 21st, 2024

Decoding Your Health Through Your Feet


Apr 17, 2024

April is National Foot Awareness Month, and your feet can provide important insights into your overall health. Joy Rowland, DPM, a podiatrist at Cleveland Clinic, explains that various disease processes can manifest in the feet. For example, swelling in the feet can be related to heart disease, kidney disease, lymphedema, or vascular disease. Dermatological problems like psoriasis can also be evident in the skin or toenails. It may come as a surprise to some that conditions like poor circulation and diabetes can be identified based on the appearance of the feet.

In some cases, foot pain may actually be a symptom of a different medical condition, such as nerve damage from a back injury. Dr. Rowland emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention when experiencing foot discomfort, as it could be indicative of an underlying health issue. She may order additional tests to confirm a suspected diagnosis in these situations.

Not only can your feet provide insight into your health, but your toenails can also indicate potential issues. Thickened, crumbly, or brittle toenails could be a sign of psoriasis, fungal nail infection, or nail dystrophy. Nail dystrophy, which results from repeated injury to the toenail, is distinct from other conditions. Dr. Rowland encourages individuals to seek evaluation from a podiatrist if they have concerns about their toenail health.

It is common for people to overlook foot discomfort and delay seeking medical attention. However, delaying treatment could limit the effectiveness of available therapies. Dr. Rowland recommends not delaying evaluation and treatment for foot issues to ensure optimal health and well-being.


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