• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Democrats worried about Biden’s performance as Trump maintains energy and discipline during TV debate


Jun 28, 2024

The hours following the televised debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump are dominated more by concern for the health of the incumbent president than by the discussion of the contents of the heated but orderly confrontation. This was thanks to the strict rules imposed by CNN: no audience, no prompter, and the microphone turned off when the other speaks to avoid a repeat of the 2020 TV duel, which degenerated into a verbal brawl with continuous interruptions.

The 81-year-old Biden responded pointedly to questions from Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, demonstrating solid preparation but appeared tired and in weak physical condition, with a cold that made his voice hoarse. Both Democratic strategists and the social media base are panicking over fears about Biden’s health, especially following his recent international outings like the G7 summit. Although Biden declared that he “did well” after the broadcast, there are growing doubts within Democratic circles about his suitability as a candidate.

Meanwhile, Trump showed remarkable physical vigor for his age and displayed discipline during the debate, often skirting around issues and redirecting conversations. The face-to-face was tense and heavy-toned, with both contenders accusing each other of being the worst president in US history. Topics like inflation, abortion, immigration, and Ukraine were discussed in a contentious manner.

Both candidates claimed to have outperformed the other on various issues like social security, economy, energy, and environment, with Trump highlighting his economic achievements before the Covid pandemic hit. The debate highlighted the deep divide between the two candidates on key policy issues.

As the debate progressed, Biden seemed to gain comfort and land a couple of low blows, accusing Trump of various wrongdoings and scandals. Trump, on the other hand, deflected criticisms and placed blame on others for issues like the Capitol Hill assault and unrest in Ukraine and Gaza. The debate underscored the stark differences between the two candidates and their visions for the country.

Overall, the debate highlighted the contrasting styles and policy positions of Biden and Trump, setting the stage for a contentious election campaign ahead. The health and performance of both candidates will continue to be scrutinized as the race intensifies.


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