• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Dimon from JPMorgan Warns of Possible Hard Landing for U.S. Economy


May 23, 2024

In a recent interview with CNBC, JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive Jamie Dimon expressed concerns over the possibility of the U.S. economy facing a “hard landing.” Dimon pointed out that based on historical trends, this scenario cannot be entirely ruled out, which would mean the country entering an economic downturn after a period of growth.

Dimon emphasized that the biggest risk for the U.S. economy would be stagflation, where inflation remains high, growth slows down, and unemployment rates rise. Despite these warning signs, Dimon noted that the U.S. consumer is currently in a strong position to withstand any potential economic slowdown.

These comments from Dimon follow his recent statements at an event in New York where he expressed cautious pessimism about the global economic outlook due to persistent inflation and geopolitical tensions. The minutes from the Federal Reserve’s latest meeting also highlighted concerns about high inflation levels that are expected to gradually decrease back to the target rate of 2%.

While there have been recent indications of a cooling off in inflation rates, some Fed officials have mentioned the need for more evidence that this decline will be sustainable before considering any future interest rate cuts. The cautious approach reflects the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the economic landscape and the need for careful monitoring of key economic indicators.


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