• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Discover the profession that artificial intelligence can never replace


Jun 28, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted various aspects of our lives, from automating tasks to creating content. However, a recent study has posed an interesting question: can AI be funny? Despite AI’s ability to perform complex tasks, it still faces limitations in generating humor.

The New York Times published a study that compared the humor of human comedians with that of AI language models. The study, conducted by Piotr Mirowski, aimed to evaluate who had more effective humor in creating new comedy acts. Surprisingly, AI was found to be unable to produce the same level of witty and fresh humor as human comedians.

According to the study, AI’s attempts at creating humor resulted in outdated and uninspired jokes more suited to past decades than contemporary humor. While AI has excelled in various fields, the realm of comedy seems to be an area where it struggles to match human creativity and wit.

Overall, the study highlights a profession that AI may not be able to replace: comedy. Despite its advancements, AI still has a way to go in developing a sense of humor that can compete with that of human comedians.


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