• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Employers Express Concerns Over Radical Economic Policies of RN Party Without Direct Confrontation


Jun 11, 2024

Employers’ organizations are expressing concerns about the risk of financial instability if the National Rally (RN) were to win the legislative elections. They fear that the economic policies put in place since 2017, which have helped improve businesses and employment, could be unraveled. While they are cautious about directly attacking the RN, they are calling on the economic world to speak out against the party and its economic programs.

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, has urged the two largest employers’ organizations, Medef and CPME, to clearly state their opinions on the economic programs proposed by the RN. The organizations, including Medef representing companies of all sizes, CPME for small and medium-sized enterprises, and U2P for local businesses, have expressed concerns about certain proposals that could lead to further deterioration of public finances and increased taxes.

While the employers’ organizations have refrained from directly mentioning the RN in their statements, they have highlighted the potential risks associated with certain economic policies proposed by different parties. The Medef has emphasized the importance of maintaining financial stability and trust among economic partners, while the CPME has underlined the need for responsible reforms that consider the state of public finances.

Individual business leaders have also expressed concerns about the potential impact of a push by the RN in the legislative elections. While some are calling for a cool-headed approach and waiting to see the party’s clarified positions on key issues like retirement and immigration, others fear the unknown consequences of radical economic proposals.

Despite the concerns raised by employers’ organizations and individual business leaders, there is division within the business community about how to navigate the situation. Some are urging members to engage in the legislative elections, while others are being cautious about openly criticizing certain economic programs for fear of alienating voters or adding fuel to the fire. Overall, the business community is monitoring the situation closely and hoping for responsible decision-making in the face of potential financial instability.


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