• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Eshoo Demands More Information from Health Secretary on Bird Flu Response


Jun 6, 2024

Ranking Member Anna G. Eshoo of the Health Subcommittee in Palo Alto, CA, recently addressed a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra concerning HHS’s response plan to the current outbreak of avian flu (H5N1) affecting livestock and humans. In her letter, Rep. Eshoo requested more information on HHS’s efforts to monitor, contain, and combat the virus to ensure a comprehensive response to this and future outbreaks. This information will aid Congressional efforts to provide additional support as needed.

The presence of avian influenza in various mammals, including poultry and dairy cattle, has been reported in ten states, with the virus spreading to new species. Rep. Eshoo highlighted the increased risk of a highly infectious virus emerging and spreading among humans due to the close contact between infected mammals and humans. While the CDC assesses the risk to the general public as low, the potential for transmission among humans remains a concern.

In her letter, Rep. Eshoo inquired about HHS’s collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to safeguard workers, particularly those working closely with affected livestock. She also sought information on HHS’s plans for distributing medical countermeasures like vaccines and antiviral medications, including strategies to prioritize high-risk populations. Additionally, Rep. Eshoo asked about HHS’s intentions for utilizing recently announced funding to enhance manufacturing and testing capacities.

Rep. Eshoo specified a deadline of June 21st for HHS to respond to her inquiries. For the full text of her letter, you can visit the provided link.


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