• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Experienced Massapequa Science Teacher Steps Into Administrative Position


Jun 6, 2024

Michael Brzezinski, a veteran science teacher in the Massapequa School District, is transitioning to a new role at Massapequa High School as an executive assistant to Principal Barbara Lowell. With the retirement of Michael Quigley, Brzezinski will begin his new position on July 1st.

Brzezinski has been a part of the district since 2005, when he first joined Berner Middle School as a science teacher. A year later, he moved to the high school where he has taught biology, anatomy, physiology, and marine sciences.

In his new role, Brzezinski’s main focus will be to support the students, teachers, and all other stakeholders in the community. He plans to bring a collaborative and cooperative approach to his work and maintain an open-door policy for anyone who needs assistance or guidance.

With his experience in teaching and a passion for education, Brzezinski is looking forward to taking on this new challenge and making a positive impact at Massapequa High School.


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